Dear New Year’s Resolutions,

This is a letter from the person who will be certainly overcoming you on this year. This note is to not only encourage myself as an entrepreneur and a habitual goal accomplisher, but to encourage others to make sure to do all that they can to be successful this coming year.

We are all setting goals as we approach yet another turn to change our own history and to achieve. We make long lists of things that we are going to do in the upcoming year, things that we are going to accomplish, money that we are going to save and so on. But this time, there are a few things that I will encourage others to do to make sure that they dominate you Mr. or Mrs. New Year’s Resolution. Here are a few items that I will tell others to make sure that you have not a chance this go around.

  1. Make your goals measurable
    1. A lot of millenials and entrepreneurs set goals that are very vague and do not have a measurable outcome. If you are going to do something, you must be able to measure if and when it has been completed. You are already setting a date for completion inherently by making it your goal for 2018, though you must set one numerically or you will always fall short. For an individual, if your goal is to “read more” this year, do not simply say that. Set a goal of a book a month. This makes your goal not only obtainable, but measurable and you will naturally feel bad if you do not get your one book in each calendar month. if you say you are going to read more and you read a few articles, your personal accountability will never kick in and you will feel good about just reading in general. Goals are only obtained if they are set properly. Setting numerical and measurable goals is the only way to truly gain accomplishments.
    2. Think of it this way. If a person is training to run a marathon, in their goal is just to run more… do you think just by running incrementally, they will meet their goal? No. There is a finish line of 26.2 miles, that is the true goal. By making your finish line for all of your goals, you have a far better chance of meeting them and also feeling the same sense of accomplishment of breaking through the tape.
  2. Have an accountability partner/group
    1. It is very important to have an accountability group around you to make sure that you are meeting your goals for the year. Whether this is your core group of friends, your family or even an organization, make sure that you have good people who hold you to your word. If you do not have the continual reminder that you have things to accomplish from not only yourself, but others. Sometimes, you are not your fear as you are used to not meeting your goals and tend to pat yourself on the back no matter how you do. A good friend or accountability group will fuel you just because you are not looking to let them down. A good group is maybe a young professional organization or even just a group of guys who cares (an Orlando one is Route 7).
  3. Check in on your goals quarterly and evaluate your personal and business
    1. Some would say “Who gon’ check me”, well you have to. You have to set it in your schedule to check up on yourself and to put a reminder in motion to make sure that you are walking if not running towards your New Year’s resolutions. Write your goals down or even make a basic note in your phone and check on it every few months just to refocus yourself. Atop of accountability partners, you must be your biggest fan and biggest source of push. Be selfish. Meet your goals because you deserve to be the best you and to accomplish everything that you set forth for yourself.
  4. Just do it.
    1. It is very simple. Just do it, Nike slogan. Keep doing it no matter what. If you are too busy or distracting yourself from your own goals then you have even bigger problems. The biggest part of accomplishing goals is starting the pursuit of them. A lot of us just write them down at the beginning of the year and then revisit them when the year is over and say “we tried”. That will not be the case for you this time, just do it. Keep doing it, and then do it again and again until you meet your goals this time. If you are going to read, then read. If you are going to run, then run. If you are going to hit the million dollar mark this year in your business, then push! Do not let yourself be your enemy on this year, as many will lose simply because they are not preparing to win and will not even start the winning process.

These things will certainly help not only me, but everyone meet their goals on this year. I always write a list and check it off as I accomplish my resolutions. With the above items and suggestions, I usually get them checked off each and every time.

So to everyone, have an amazing holiday season and a Happy New Year.